Record my meetings with Praiz
How to record Microsoft Teams meetings?
Prerequisites Each Praiz user must connect their Outlook calendar (your Teams Administrator or IT team might need to individually approve each request). Praiz supports SSO login via Teams (but it’s also possible to create an email/password combination). What permissions are required? Praiz only requires read-only access to the Outlook calendar to retrieve meeting details (title and participant email addresses). Praiz doPopularHow to record Google Meet meetings?
Praiz can also record meetings from Microsoft Teams and Zoom. Step 1 - Connect your Calendar Go to Settings Calendar Connect your Google Calendar or Outlook Calendar Step 2 - Configure recordings settings By default we record only meetings with externalFew readersHow to record Zoom meetings?
Step 1 - Connect your Calendar Go to Settings Calendar Connect your Google Calendar or Outlook Calendar Step 2 - Configure recordings settings By default we record only meetings with exFew readersObtaining consent to record a video meeting
Do I need to inform participants that I am recording the meeting? Yes, it is essential to inform participants before recording a meeting. Why is this necessary? Legal Requirements: Many countries' data protection laws require you to obtain participants' consent before recording a conversation. This includes regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the United States. Respect for PrivacyFew readersHow to make sure Praiz only records meeting where I said Yes to attend?
If you want Praiz to record only meetings for which you confirmed you will attend (by clicking Yes), please follow these steps: Go to Settings Go to the Calendar tab Click on the Settings button Tick the "Record confirmed meetings" only boxFew readersHow to rename my Praiz bot?
By default, the name of your bot will be "Praiz Notetaker", but you can rename it from the settings: Here are the steps to rename your Praiz bot: Go to Settings Go to the Calendar tab Click on the Settings button Rename your bot (you can use emojis!) Click on SaveFew readersHow can I prevent the Praiz bot from joining the meeting before the host?
By default, the settings in your Google Workspace account may allow guests (participants) in a Google Meet meeting to join the video before you do (as a host). Here's how to change the settings to force external participants to remain in the waiting room, allowing you to authorise or not participants to join the meeting before you do:Few readers
How to turn OFF the Praiz AI bot?
To prevent the Praiz Meeting Assistant (bot) from joining your meetings, here's the solution: Each user must delete the Praiz app from the workspace account to disconnect the calendar: 3 steps: 1️⃣ Go to : 2️⃣ Search for "Praiz" 3️⃣ Click on Delete all connections you have with Praiz, then ConfirmFew readersHow to invite users to Praiz?
To invite new users to join your Praiz account, follow these easy steps: open the Settings menu click on Invite members add their emailFew readersHow to manage Admin rights?
Manage who has Admin rights Go to the Settings go to the Users & Teams tab for each user, you can see if he is a User or an Admin click on Make Admin to grant Admin rights List of the actions only an Admin can perform: invite new users create/edit Teams, add or remove Users from a Team create/edit Tags access the ✨ AI Templates settingsFew readersHow to activate Privacy?
By default, recordings are shared among all the team. You can make calls private, so Users (without Admin rights) can only access their own calls. go the the Settings : go to the Privacy tab toggle ON the Private mode As an Admin, you still have access to all the team calls.Few readers