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How to record Zoom meetings?

This article is about recording Zoom meetings. Praiz can also record meetings from Microsoft Teams and Google Meet.

Step 1 - Connect your Calendar

Go to Settings > Calendar
Connect your Google Calendar or Outlook Calendar

Step 2 - Configure recordings settings

By default we record only meetings with external participants, you can also
You can also toggle recording ON or OFF for every single meeting.

Step 3 - Join your Zoom meeting, and admit the Praiz Meeting Assistant participant

By default, the Praiz Meeting Assistant will wait in the waiting room until he host admits it into the meeting.

Zoom now requires recording consent to be collected using the in-app pop-up.

You must activate the following settings in order for Praiz Meeting Assistant to be able to record Zoom meetings:

From your personal Zoom account settings:
activate Local Recording, which will display the consent pop-up to your participants at the start of the call.
check the box "Hosts can give meeting participants permission to record locally".

You can also deactivate Automatic Recording to avoid double recording, local + Praiz.

Zoom Settings to enable Praiz recording

If you do not admit the Praiz Meeting Assistant in the meeting, Praiz won't be able to record your meeting.

The Meeting Assistant can ask to join the meeting 1 or 2 minutes early, or right at the event starting time.

Updated on: 19/06/2024