Sales Frameworks
π ±οΈ BANT (Template)
You can Copy/Paste this template to be used in the Praiz Templates feature BANT stands for Budget, Authority, Need, Timeframe Budget The budget available to the prospect. Authority Does the other party have the necessary authorisations to conclude the transaction? Need The prospect's needs Timeframe The expected time to complete the saleFew readersπ¦Έπ» MANACT (Template)
You can Copy/Paste this template to be used in the Praiz Templates feature Money My prospect's budget Ability Feasibility of the project Need My prospect's needs Authority Decision-maker for the purchase of an external solution Competitor Comparison with one of our competitors Timeline Next steps discussedFew readersπ©Ί MEDDIC (Template)
You can Copy/Paste this template to be used in the Praiz Templates feature Painpoint applications Real problem that the company should solve to relieve its own customers' tensions Process The process required to sign off and deploy the solution. Decision process How decisions are made in this company Business Buyer The person who has the power to make key business decisions in the prospective business. Measures The economicFew readers