Articles on: ✨ AI Templates
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How to use the Praiz AI Templates?

What can you do with IA Praiz Templates?

Detect information, or an answer to a question, automatically: no need to listen to a call again.
Record this information in a Note that will be saved on the Contact/Company/Opportunity sheet in the CRM: no more need to take notes
Automatically fill in one or more CRM fields with this information: no need to fill in fields manually.

All this automatically, for each call, and without any action on the part of the user 👌

How do I create a Template?

Access Templates from Settings > Templates > then Click on Add template to create your Template

1️⃣ Add a first Field by clicking on Add field.
2️⃣ Select a Field type (the response format): this can be a list (Bullet points), a short text (Short text) or a paragraph (Long text), a number (Number), a Yes/No response (Boolean) or one or more values from a list (Single/Multiple options).
3️⃣ Detail the information you want to extract in the Field Prompt field

How do I launch a data extraction using the Templates function?

4️⃣ Click on ✨ Extract to ask the AI to extract the information (this will take between 5 and 30 seconds approximately).
5️⃣ You can view the results and edit the information if required.
6️⃣ Click on Push to CRM to send the information to your CRM!

Tips for effective templates

Simply describe the information you are looking for. For example, to extract information about a prospect's budget, simply write: "prospect's budget".
keep it simple: this is not a ChatGPT prompt, so there's no need to give the AI any commands or orders
focus on extracting specific information, and don't hesitate to provide context (by specifying "the prospect" / "the salesperson", for example)
the title is optional, and has no influence on the AI result; it is only used to format the response
only the Field Prompt field counts as an instruction
the prompt can be written in any language, and the result will be automatically generated in the language of the transcription (the language of the call)

What are the differences between the different Field Types?

Bullet points: the result will be a list of several bullet points. This option is suitable if you are expecting several different responses.
Short text: the result will be one or more sentences, 250 characters maximum
Long text: the result will be a very long answer, with no limit on length. This option is suitable if you are expecting a paragraph or a very long answer (a detailed summary, for example).
Number: the result will be a number only, this option is suitable if you want an extremely precise answer (e.g. customer budget)
Boolean (Yes/No): the result will be true (yes) or false (no). This option is suitable for obtaining a yes/no answer to a specific question.
Single option: you can define a list of possible values. The result will be a single option from this list.
Multiple options: you can define a list of possible values, and the result will be one or more values from this list.

To avoid:
Avoid verbs and actions
Avoid asking questions
Avoid saying "my"/"your": "my prospect", "my solution"... and instead use the neutral "the": "the prospect", "the solution"... this will help the AI to be more precise.
Avoid asking for several pieces of information in the same field. It's better to separate several questions into separate fields, as the answers will be more precise!

Automate the triggering of a Praiz Template

To do this, simply click on Automate Templates and then select a team for which you want to automate Template extraction.

Map your CRM fields to fill them in automatically

To map a Praiz field to a field in your CRM, simply click on Map Custom Field, then choose the field to be filled in:

Automatic filling of CRM fields (custom fields)

Praiz allows you to automatically fill in custom fields for the following CRMs:
Microsoft Dynamics 365

Standard fields are not currently supported (yet).

Library of reusable templates

Find examples of meeting minutes, sales framework templates and recruitment interview templates:

Who can create and access Templates?

Templates are shared with all Praiz workspace users.
Any paying Praiz user can create and extract information from the Templates.

Can I add my own customised vocabulary to Praiz?

Yes, Praiz takes custom vocabulary into account. You just need to add a list of keywords specific to your company (jargon, proper names, anglicisms, competitor name, customer name, etc.) in the Values list of a Single option or Multiple options field, and the Praiz AI will take this vocabulary into account.

Examples of concrete use cases for Templates:

Extract qualification information to fill in a MEDDIC or a BANT.
Detect competitors mentioned during a call
Detect objections raised during a call
Detect the answer to a question (even if it has not been explicitly asked)
Generate a summary of a meeting
Detect the list of participants
and much, much more!

Upcoming improvements 🕚

Advanced automation*: trigger a template based on the type of call (R1, R2...) of a tag, a word in the title, etc...

Don't hesitate to contact us, our team is available via chat or email if you have any questions 🙂

Would you like us to help you automate the completion of your CRM fields? Book 30 minutes with an AI Praiz expert

Updated on: 19/06/2024