Praiz Slack App
1️⃣ Add the Slack app
Go to Settings
Go to Integrations
Select Slack
Click on Add to Slack
2️⃣ Configure a Slack channel for notifications
Go to Slack
On the applications menu, click on Browse apps

Go to the Apps tab
Search for Praiz
Click on Praiz
Create a new Slack channel to receive the Praiz notifications, you can name it #praiz-notifications for example
Click on Add to this channel
⚠️ You must connect Praiz with a public Slack channel, private channels cannot be used to receive Praiz notifications for now.

3️⃣ Configure Notifications
Go back to Praiz :
Go to Settings
Go to Notifications
Tick ON or OFF notifications for _Calls_, _Comments_ and/or _Mentions_
ℹ️ Please make sure that you use the same email address on both Slack and Praiz, otherwise mentions will be displayed as "@none mentioned you"
Updated on: 17/07/2024